Retirement Announcement: Thomas Andrews, MD
After 31 years, Dr. Andrews is planning to retire at the end of 2023. “I really didn’t appreciate how special it was to join Dr. Peter Orobello in 1992” , Dr. Andrews explains. “Dr. Orobello was a pioneer and the first pediatric otolaryngologist (ENT) in the Tampa Bay Area.”
“He welcomed me and my wife Jennifer like family and that is how this practice has evolved ever since.”
Dr. Andrews came from Cincinnati Children’s, at the time regarded as the world leader in children’s airway surgery.
In response to what has been most rewarding, Dr. Andrews pauses and states “That is extremely hard to answer.” “Our specialty routinely improves the lives of children in dramatic ways. Something as simple as ear tubes can result in a baby saying their first words on the way home from surgery. Removing tonsils and adenoids, while straight-forward surgically, can mean huge behavioral improvements in a child’s life that extend well into their teen years.”
“I’m so grateful to even have had an opportunity to do this work”, Dr. Andrews reflects. “Raised by a single Mom on a farm in Ohio does not exactly lend itself to opportunities such as this!”
In response to questions about the future…”I’m very excited about this practice and the absolutely wonderful, skilled surgeons that will carry our practice forward. Each of them was trained in different childrens hospital programs and more importantly, they all work together to solve even the most difficult and challenging cases.”
And in closing? “We are so lucky to have such a fantastic office and clinical staff. It has remained more like a family – and with many having been here 15, 20 years or more, it is obvious they like each other! We try every day to make the experience fun and not intimidating for the patient and try to alleviate any anxiety about being in a doctors office. I couldn’t be more excited for the future of this practice.”
Dr. Andrews concludes with, “I’m looking forward to being that guy I see on my way to work that is riding his bike in the early morning hours, playing tennis with my wife, or reading the entire paper on a weekday morning!”