Home Care Instructions Following Myringoplasty
Normal Post-Operative Complaints
Patient May Have:
1. Bloody or watery drainage from the ear for one to two days
2. Noises (popping, crackling) in the ear
Call the office if you notice any of the following:
1. Drainage from the ear for more than 3 days
2. Drainage with odor from the ear
3. Fever greater than 102 degrees not relieved by Tylenol
4. Pain not relieved by pain medicine
5. Dizzy sensation
Activity Restrictions:
1. No nose blowing/sneeze with mouth open
2. May return to school next day. No PE or contact sports for 2 weeks
3. Can bathe/shower next day as long as ear is protected from water
4. No water in ear until the ear is completely healed
5. No swimming for 2 weeks. Use earplug for swimming after 2nd week
6. No flying for 2 weeks